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Positive Change Toronto Initiative works to end youth violence within the Somali Canadian community through education, advocacy, and research to address systemic barriers in:
The Criminal Justice System
Mental Health
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Land and African Ancestral Acknowledgements
I'd like to begin by honouring the land that were on, which has been the site of human
activity since time immemorial. It is the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat,
Anishinabek, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and most recently, The
Mississaugas of the Credit River First Nations. These nations and this land were subject
to the One Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably
share and care for the land and its resources. Other Indigenous Nations, Europeans,
and newcomers, were invited into this covenant in the spirit of respect, peace, and
Today, Tkaronto now known as Toronto, is under Treaty #13 and is home to many
Indigenous Nations from across Turtle Island, including the Inuit and the Metis.
I am mindful of broken covenants and strive to make this right, with the land and with
each other.
We are all Treaty people. Many of us of have come here as settlers, immigrants, new
comers in this generation or generations past. I'd like to also acknowledge those of us
who came here involuntarily, particularly as a result of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade.
And so, I honour and pay tribute to the ancestors of African Origin and Decent.
Qiridda Dhulka iyo Awoowayaashii Afrikaaanka ah
Waxaan jecelahay in aan ku bilaabo qaddarinta dhulka aynu joogno oo ah goob ay
dadku ku dhaqmaayeen ilaa waqti hore. Waa dhulal dhaqameedka ee Huron-Wendat,
Anishinabek, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee Confederacy iyo ugu dambeyntii,
Mississaugas ee Qowmiyadaha Koowaad ee Wabiga Credit (Credit River First Nations).
Ummadahaas iyo dhulkan waxaa loo hoggaansamay axdiga ah Hal Saxan oo leh Hal
Qaado ee Axdiga Wampum Belt Covenant, heshiiskaas oo ah in si nabad ah wax loo
qaybsado loona daryeelo dhulka iyo kheyraadkiisa. Qowmiyado kale ee Asaliga ah,
Yurubiyaanka, iyo dadka dhawaan soo galay, ayaa lagu martiqaaday axdigan si
ixtiraam leh, nabad, iyo saaxiibtinimo ah.
Maanta, Tkaronto hadda loo yaqaan Toronto, waxay hoos timaadaa Heshiiska #13
waxayna hoy ay u tahay Qowmiyado badan oo Asaliga ah oo ka kala yimid Jasiiradaha
Turtle, oo ay ku jiraan Inuit iyo Metis.
Waxaan dareensanahay axdiyadii la jebiyey, waxaanan ku dadaalayaa inaan tan saxno,
dhul ahaan iyo dhexdeenaba.
Dhammaanteen waxaan nahay dadka Axdigaas. Qaar badan oo naga mid ah ayaa
halkan u yimid helidda degenaansho, soo galooti ahaan, ​​soo galooti ku cusub qarnigan
ama jiilkii hore. Waxaan sidoo kale jeclaan lahaa inaan qiro kuwa naga midka ah oo
halkan u yimid si aan ikhtiyaar ahayn, gaar ahaan sabab la xiriirta ganacsiga
addoonsiga ee Trans-Atlantic. Sidaas daraaddeed, waxaan sharfayaa oo aan
ixtiraamayaa dadka kasoo jeeda awoowayaashii hore ee asal ahaan iyo dhalasho
kasoo jeeda Afrika.
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